Hi there! My name is Jennifer, and I am the owner of Small But Mighty Training. I got here by being passionate about fitness my whole life. I dreamed of running a marathon, doing a back handspring, having a six pack and climbing really high. I have accomplished all of those things, and I now have new goals on the horizon.
I grew up dancing and running. I performed professionally until I was in my late 20’s, on national tours, cruise ships, regional theaters and off-Broadway. I ran the New York City Marathon at age 26. I landed my first back handspring at 28. And I did my first pullup at 29. So I don’t believe in strict timelines or that anyone is too old (or young) to do anything.
I grew up dancing and running. I performed professionally until I was in my late 20’s, on national tours, cruise ships, regional theaters and off-Broadway. I ran the New York City Marathon at age 26. I landed my first back handspring at 28. And I did my first pullup at 29. So I don’t believe in strict timelines or that anyone is too old (or young) to do anything.
I started personal training at Crunch where I learned a lot and acquired my first client base, many of whom still train with me today. After a year and a half at Crunch, I started my own business and called it Small But Mighty. I am proud to be 5’2” and able to deadlift more than 200lbs. I've got the expertise to get you stronger, leaner and more mobile. If you put in the work, I will cheer you on, and I guarantee you’ll have fun along the way.
Whether it’s fitting into a size 2 pair of jeans, deadlifting 300+ pounds or doing a pullup for the first time, I’ve got a plan to get you to your goal.
Whether it’s fitting into a size 2 pair of jeans, deadlifting 300+ pounds or doing a pullup for the first time, I’ve got a plan to get you to your goal.
Take a look at my Client Testimonials page to see the journey my clients have taken. There’s Roberta who at age 61 did a handstand and pullup for the first time and deadlifts her body weight. Jess, who lost 40lbs and 15% body fat and looks amazing in croptops. Alexa couldn't climb the monkey bars at a Spartan Race but now does 40 kipping pullups and made a very convincing "Wonder Woman" this year for Halloween. And Dan, who can bench press 225lbs and realized his goal of doing three sets of 10 pullups as per the Daniel Craig “James Bond” workout.
What's your goal? Where do you want to be in a year?
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